District » Career-Connected Learning
Career-Connected Learning
Career-Connected Learning (formerly Homegrown Talent Initiative) is about our community partners (families, schools, businesses, and higher education) partnering together to support our students in finding their passions, engaging with their community in deep ways, and developing new skills and competencies leading to a full range of postsecondary pathways.
CCSD Learner Profile: Clear Creek School District strives to cultivate these 21st-century skills and qualities in students: Communication, Character, Leadership, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Adaptability. See our Learner Profile attributes in action at Carlson Elementary School here. For more information on CCSD's Learner Profile, see our CCHS Graduate Profile Continuum.
The CCSD Learner Profile was co-created by CCSD and our community members. Our community and educators see value in ALL of our CCSD graduates having these attributes before moving forward in the world. In the 2021-2022 school year, 84% of students reported developing at least one Learner Profile attribute with the most reported attribute being Adaptability.
Having a co-created Learner Profile supports CCSD's work of sending our students into our community with community valued traits and plants the seeds for our students future success, either in a traditional college setting or by starting their careers right here in Clear Creek County in one of our many trades or industries. In 2019 the largest industries in Clear Creek County were Construction, Retail Trade and Accommodation and Food Services, employing about 36% of the total working population in the county.
What We’ve Accomplished:
Created a new Bicycle Technician industry certification program (Project Bike Tech), helping students prepare for careers in our growing cycling sector
Forged a partnership with JeffCo Schools to offer Career & Technical Education -- 15 students participated in our first year implementing HTI
Increased concurrent enrollment opportunities to earn college credit as a high school student
Laid the foundation for a new, robust internship program
Infused the Graduate Profile throughout the classroom experience, kindergarten through twelfth grade
A Clear Advantage:
In our mountain community, residents and visitors love to bike. The industry surrounding this passion is growing, and new career opportunities are expanding along with it. In the 2020-21 school year, Clear Creek School District offered a Bicycle Technician opportunity. Some of the 16 students who took part had never ridden a bike; others were accomplished racers. No matter their experience level, students earned an industry-recognized certificate that will propel them toward new opportunities right here in Clear Creek.
What’s Ahead:
Expanded industry certifications options based on students’ career interests
Student internships, apprenticeships, job shadows, capstone opportunities and more
Flexible scheduling (through the Innovative Learning Opportunities Pilot (ILOP) Program) so that students are able to participate in career connected learning experiences during the school day
Path4Ward: Path4Ward is designed to support qualifying students who would like to graduate early and receive financial support for college, certifications or trade school during what would have been their 4th year of high school. If interested, please contact Mrs. Dacia Kelly for more information.
Email Career.connections@ccsdre1.org or contact Mrs. Kelly at CCHS for more information on internships, dual enrollment and certificate programs, and other CCSD Career Connection work.